Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let it Go

Procrastination...A little resolution..Some testing times...And then just let go...Often that's how beginnings begin!

I often wonder why Columbus thought leaving all his comforts behind and set sail into arms of deep dark seas. Is adventure that addictive? Was he bored with his life and wanted to suicide in style..or he just wanted the world to remember him. How did he feel to start something so unique?

Many a times, we have gone through these small first steps which have left their impressions forever in the chronicles of our lives. Remember first time you rode a bike, or brewed your first cup of tea for someone? How was the feeling when you cooked something or had the first drag of your cigarette? First love...first heartbreak? First revolt...first defeat? Spending your first salary...do we really remember these humble beginnings which have our very own signature style.

Even today when you are reading these lines there are a thousand plans in your mind which you are deliberating   on since a few days. Are you scared that it will be wrong, you will be hurt, you will fail? Do you still need time to do something which you have always pushed back in your stack due to other responsibilities?

Just let it go. Start something new..do something you are longing to do. Take out a little time for yourself out of your busy rigmaroles and be a Columbus. Who knows what you are going to find.


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